Our readers' hands-on spirit is reflected in the magazine's comprehensive gear tests and personal adventure stories. Whether shopping for a new rifle or thirsting for exciting adventure tales, Outdoor Life is the ultimate resource.
Outdoor Life
Adventure, One Step at a Time • True hunting adventures don’t require far-flung destinations or exotic trophy critters, just a little risk and reward
This Happened to Me! • I almost froze to death on a bighorn hunt!
How Far Should We Push Our Kids in the Outdoors? • We want our children to love the outdoors as much as we do. How do parents balance the risk of adventure with its rewards?
Hunting the King of Wild Sheep • How do you hunt sheep in Mongolia without a rifle or any grasp of the language? With a sense of adventure
The Pebble Mine Site Is a Moose Hunter’s Paradise • After years of vicious fighting over its fate, the Pebble Mine might be in its death throes. The proposed precious metals mine famously threatens world-class fisheries in southwest Alaska. It would also destroy critical big-game habitat
Making the Shot on a Once-in-a-Lifetime Mountain Goat Hunt • Does a Midwestern deer hunter have what it takes to transform himself into an archery mountain goat hunter in just three months?
Hunting Whitetails From the Ground Makes for a Lifetime of Close-to-Home Adventures • A productive alfalfa field on Montana’s Milk River has supplied plenty of lessons about life, whitetails, and staying free
Solo Wilderness Hunts Are Overrated, and Always Have Been • After drawing a limited-entry elk tag, the author must decide what she values more: her hunt or her pride
Tracking Desert Mule Deer With My Son Is a Vision of the Past, Present, and Future • To hunt crafty desert bucks, you need persistence and endurance. A capable hunting partner doesn’t hurt, either
Field & Stream
Wonderland • A new story brings back memories of an old, cold hunt
New Kid on the Block • After winning the lottery to hunt big game within Philadelphia city limits, the author embarks on her first deer hunt
To Build a Campfire • Over his decades in the outdoors, the author has enjoyed the warmth and comfort of countless campfires. Here are some of the most memorable
Blade Runners • Duke McCaa and Michell Harrison are two of the top Randall knife traders in America. Here are some of the most sought-after pieces from their collections
The Villains • Yes, they prey on deer, game birds, and livestock. But the truth is, life in the woods would be boring without coyotes
Out With a Bang • Sometimes, just when you think it’s all over for another year, the hunting season gives you one last gift. Here’s how eight F&S writers recall their most memorable parting shots
Heart of the Matter • Two deer hunts from the same tree stand, two seasons apart, yield two very different results
Venison Rendang • This one-pot meal slow-cooks tough cuts of game into tender meat loaded with Southeast Asian flavors
A New Day • The author’s first-ever Hungarian partridge comes with a fresh outlook on the future
Flying the Flag • Why so serious on the ice? Set some tip-ups and have a beer
Only in Texas • On a surprisingly tough hunt, the author tags an exotic antelope that barely exists in the wild outside the Lone Star State
Hardwired for Fear • I don’t need a scientist to tell me I’m afraid of snakes